Charlie gets adopted!

Charlie is one amazing GSP. While he had a few rough edges in the beginning, he polished up nicely. If he was several years younger, he could have been adopted out a number of times but, given his age, he is one of the GSPs that was often overlooked. Fortunately, there are individuals in this world like Cam, who appreciate dogs like Charlie regardless of their age. After the initial meeting, it didn't take long for Cam to decide that Charlie was the dog for him. He recently sent an update stating, "The boy is fantastic, changing a little each day... Awesome in the car, his personality, as I said, is coming out more and more. What a character. I am smitten. Such a wonderful spirit. Thank you, again..." Yes, Charlie is one amazing GSP but Cam is one amazing individual. Thank you, Cam, for seeing past a dog's age and focusing on all that a Senior GSP has to offer!


Abbey (A4397698) is safe!


Race's Tug of War