Cash is Adopted!

Cash_Mike_DSC_0595w64When we received an application from Michael wanting to adopt a GSP from us, we had one challenge that we had to deliver, and that was to find a dog for him that would get along with his cats.  The other, was that Cash had been an outdoor dog, so he would need to be house trained, which was something that Michael was willing to work with.Most of us who are familiar with the breed, know that GSP's are very prey driven, but often times we get a dog in that has lived with a cat, or has never seen a cat and doesn't really know what to make of them, but are just curious.  Cash was one of those dogs that we knew had potential, and with a proper introduction to his cats, and Michael's commitment to provide training, that Cash and the cats would most likely be able to live harmoniously.We recently received an update from Michael saying "Cash is doing well with the cats. I wouldn't say they are friends yet but they are tolerating each other".We are grateful for adopters like Michael who have the patience and dedication to give a "non-turnkey" dog the exercise and training it needs to have the chance to become the dog they are meant to be.Thank you Michael for your devotion and dedication to incorporate Cash into your home and a cherished member of your family.    


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