Carson is Adopted!

Carson adopted California GSP RescueCarson is Adopted! Scott and Roxanne applied with us, looking for a young German Shorthaired Pointer under a year old for their very active family, and to be a companion for their 3 year old GSP, Hershey.At the time they completed their application, we didn't have any puppies, but they were willing to wait as long as it took for the right dog that they wanted to raise along with Hershey, and their children, Zoe and Razi.Carson showed up at a high kill shelter with no microchip, still intact with a full tail and dew claws. We suspect that he may have been a result of a backyard breeder. Thankfully we were notified about him, and when he was made available, our volunteers were there to pull him, getting him to safety, and one step closer to his forever home.  Little did Carson know, we had his new family waiting in the wings to meet him.Once Carson was neutered and vetted and became available, Scott and Roxanne along with Zoe, Razi and Hershey made the very long drive to meet Carson.  It didn't take long before the entire family fell in love with this spunky little guy and took him home.Since adopting Carson, we recently received an update from Scott who told us he is now known as Beau.

"What a wonderful experience today was! Carson had a nice trip back alternating between the kids. We gave him a good bath and took him out with Hershey for some exercise. He seems very happy. I really appreciate your efforts in connecting us with a young GSP. Everything is going very well and he is a wonderful puppy... I have already taken him to the dunes, beach, and off leash mountain biking. He always comes back. He house trained pretty quickly and sits and comes on command. He and Hershey have bonded very well. They eat and drink from the same bowls and sleep next to each other. They play wonderfully together. He is a wonderful dog! Thanks for your assistance... he is a perfect fit with our family".Well, we couldn't be happier that we were able to make such a perfect connection for this family who had waited so patiently.Be sure to check out our Facebook Page for some photos of Carson, now Beau in his new home.

Buttercup is Safe!


Running with your GSP