Cappy Is Quite Comfortable

IMAG0160We recently received an update on Cappy, and it appears he has made himself right at home."Hard to believe that it has been just over 1 month since Cappy came to live with us!  He believes in the highest level of comfort.  He is either curled up in a chair in my office, or he is outside ‘pointing’ at everything!  He fascinates my other dogs who will sit for hours watching him run & point!Anyway, just wanted to let you know that he is much loved by all the 2 & 4-leggeds here!  Thank you SO much again for allowing me to adopt the big guy!P.S.  My other 2 dogs actually lay on the FLOOR when they are in my office".We never tire of these updates, and are grateful to Cappy's family for opening up their hearts to a senior dog.


Brownie is Adopted!


Penny is Adopted!