Buster and the Magic Opossum

Buster is making an amazing recovery, thanks in no small part to his foster family and Dr. Kang. The daily re-bandaging is a thing of the past, although he is still limping. Through it all he has been a model patient, spending his days in the doggy ICU, otherwise known as the dog bed in the office at his foster dad’s feet. He never does anything to warrant a correction,  but lays most of the time quietly on his dog bed. At least until one recent night, when he caught wind of an opossum in the yard. As fosters eventually do, he gave his foster family a peek at the dog he really is,  pacing the yard, nose in the air, and no sign of the limping or injury! It was as if the opossum had miracle powers to erase Busters injuries – a "healing opossum" giving him the strength he  hasn't in a long time as he attempted to get a closer look. 


The Fountain Valley Summerfest Dog Day Afternoon


Sasha and Kasey get adopted!