Buddy is Safe!

Buddy GSP Rescue VolunteerSeveral weeks ago, Buddy was found as a stray and taken to the local shelter where he was put on a stray hold in hopes his owner would show and claim him. When California GSP Rescue was notified that there was a GSP that had been found and taken to a shelter, we immediately communicated with the shelter so that we could help if no one came to claim him. Planning ahead, Victoria, a volunteer that lived near the shelter, was asked if she could help transport if he went unclaimed to which she readily agreed.Even though we continued to monitor him, the shelter contacted us when his review date approached. They were concerned as they were struggling with a minor outbreak of kennel cough at the shelter and Buddy had started coughing. Not uncommon as dogs in high stress environments have weakened immunity systems. Buddy was your typical active GSP and wasn't doing well being kept in a kennel for the time he was held.Victoria showed up at the shelter as planned and says she could hear Buddy's nails on the tiled floor as he pulled on the leash excited to be out of the kennel. She loaded him up and took off with Buddy standing the entire trip looking out the window at all the adventures to be had.When Buddy arrived at the Rescue, he was kept from the other dogs so not to spread the kennel cough. He received the medical attention he needed and a short time later was out romping and playing. Even though he had been enjoying regular leash walks while recovering, it hadn't been enough for this active German Shorthaired Pointer. He's really enjoying when he gets to stretch his legs and run!We'd like to thank Victoria for volunteering her time, much of it spent waiting to see if anyone would come to claim Buddy. Without dedicated individuals like Victoria, we wouldn't be able to save as many dogs as we do now. Thank you Victoria!If you would like to help, please consider sponsoring Buddy.[donate_button button_type="default" title="Sponsor Buddy" style="wdf-fresh"] 


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