Buddy is adopted!

Buddy has been waiting for that perfect family.  All of the volunteers realized what a special boy Buddy is, and had been waiting  along with Buddy, for the perfect fit for a home for him.Keith and Paige came out to meet Buddy and volunteer to walk and train GSP's planning to adopt when they found that right personality.  Buddy ended up being just what they were looking for...a mild mannered yet active male GSP.  Buddy has already met Keith and Paige's extended family and is fitting in nicely.Keith reports that Buddy (now Lincoln) goes twice a day to a secluded part of the lagoon across the street from his home where he can run around safely, torment the seagulls and burn off energy.We are very thankful for adopters such as Keith and Paige  and their commitment to Buddy's continued exercise, training and the great home they are providing this great dog.


12 Dogs of Christmas ~ Jojo


12 Dogs of Christmas ~ Capulin