Brownie is Safe!

Brownie GSP Baby shelter SeniorBrownie showed up at a local kill shelter after being turned in because his owner was having a baby. Unsure that is a reason to give up a Senior dog. A Senior dog isn't that difficult to exercise, in fact, they are much easier than a younger dog. If you skip a day with an older dog, they will happily wait until the next day. Skip a day with a young dog and something is bound to be destroyed. In addition, there is sometimes a misunderstanding when introducing a newborn to a home with dogs. Done correctly, it really isn't that difficult. Given Brownie's age (10+) we knew him being dropped off at the shelter for the reasons stated was wrong and we decided to help.We've said this before. When someone relinquishes their dog to a shelter, the shelter is under no obligation to hold the dog for any period of time. In fact, once the owner has signed the paperwork, the shelter can euthanize the dog without ever making him available for adoption. Shelters are not rescues.As soon as California GSP Rescue heard Brownie was at the shelter, a volunteer was notified. A few hours later, Volunteer David was at the shelter and reported on Brownie. "Very sweet boy... Gave up because of new baby. Really?!?" Yes, really. Thank you David for helping make sure Brownie is safe!Brownie will be well cared for while he is on our care until his forever home can be found. If you would like to help, please consider sponsoring him by making a donation below.[donate_button button_type="default" title="Sponsor Brownie" description="Brownie was left at the shelter when the owner had a baby. The shelter isn't a place to be left if you are a Senior Dog. California GSP Rescue pulled him from the shelter and will make sure to find him a forever home. " style="wdf-fresh"] 


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Pints for Pointers: A Fundraiser for CA GSP Rescue