Brigadier - One year and thriving!

briggs_charisma1Brigadier has been in his new home for a year now, and is doing just great! As his mom, Kathleen, says, "He is just wonderful and we are inseparable!"  She also tells us, after the initial healing from allergy complications, he has not shown any traces of allergies. After a change of food, frequent oatmeal baths, and lots of exercise, Brigadier has been allergy-free for many, many months. Brigadier has enjoyed his daily trips to the beach, and the love and companionship of Kathleen and her cat, Charisma, for his first of many years in his new home. Unfortunately, Charisma recently passed. She was a lucky kitty to have had Kathleen taking care of her (and her allergies), and to have a great buddy like Briggs, but we know they will miss her greatly.We are very grateful for an adopter like Kathleen and wish her many years of happiness with Brigadier. 


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