Bravo is Adopted!

Bravo_Andrew_Matthew_DSC_4466w64Andrew had previously adopted a female GSP with his mom, and felt it was time for another GSP in the family.  He came out to meet Missy's puppies and fell for Bravo who was a mostly liver puppy in Missy's litter.  He has renamed Bravo to Riley and has made great progress in the few weeks Riley has been with him.He reports that Riley is completely potty trained and that he already knows some tricks such as "sit" and "shake".  His two dogs like to spend time outside waiting for the squirrels to come down from the trees but have made some time for Andrew to work with them on training.  He says that Riley really likes the water and things are going well.We are so happy for all!


Ptarmigan is Adopted!


Memories from the Race for the Rescue