Bounder Is Adopted!

Bounder_aka_Sky_Janekane_Jim_Marcio_DSC_0380w64Jim and Marcio are repeat adopters and recently applied with California GSP Rescue to adopt again. When they saw the 'Bounder is safe' post several weeks ago, they knew they wanted to meet him.Knowing he would have to get along with their previously adopted GSP, Janekane, we explained that we weren't quite sure how he did with other dogs and if he would be a candidate for their consideration.After seeing Bounder did well in the field with one dog and multiple dogs , an appointment was made for him to meet Jim, Marcio & Janekane. It was love at first sight! Jim & Marcio have changed Bounder's name to Sky, short for Skywalker, and report that he is doing great. Marcio says, "he's such a love!"Thanks Marcio and Jim for coming back and rescuing another GSP!


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