Bella is Safe and Needs our Help!

If you volunteer for a dog rescue, it takes a lot to make you cry. Bella made us cry.  Before we even saw her, we saw her paperwork from the Humane Society. The first page of her medical history made you wonder how she made it; "lethargic", "depressed", "comatose", "emaciated", "limbs covered in abrasions", "limbs covered in dried blood/food", "severe dehydration" were just the beginning. The shelter had run tests to rule out deadly diseases like distemper and to try to find the source of her problems. They suspected an auto-immune disease. We knew this girl could be costly to take, but she needed us.A four year old female GSP, found in a field. Wearing a collar but no tags. No microchip. Weak and hardly able to move. She was missing much of her fur and they could see her bones; hips, spine, and ribs. She had sores all over her body. They had to hand feed her small amounts of canned food because the sores in her mouth made it painful to eat. Because of the sores, she drooled almost constantly.  And they named her Bella. Bella, meaning "beautiful". They were right to name her this. As we are discovering, she is a beautiful soul.After ruling out some diseases, the humane society called California GSP Rescue to continue Bella's care. As happens time and time again, people who have never met this dog volunteered to help. They changed plans and drove great distances to get her to the safety of California GSP Rescue - to the beginning of the rest of her life. Hopefully a happier and healthier life than she had. She's already enjoying the warmth and security of a foster home and improving her health will be the next challenge.The beauty of rescue is that we can all help a dog like Bella. The cost of her care might be too much for just one family. But, for her family of Rescue supporters, a little bit from each of us means she has a chance at life. Please consider giving to support our ongoing efforts to care for Bella.[seamless-donations][video width="1280" height="720" mp4=""][/video]  


3 Dogs - Bella, Po and Scarlett Only Need a Little More!


Indy is Adopted!