Beau is a snuggler

I recently spent some time trying to get to know Beau a little better.  I, of course, started with a meaty-treat bribe, but he wasn't interested. I assumed, because of the scars on his nose, that perhaps he didn't trust people very much. So, we walked around the yard and tried to get to know one another. He walked calmly, occasionally galloped a bit, and smelled all the delicious scents of last-night's wildlife visitors. I tried throwing the ball, but he wasn't very interested - he was just enjoying the sunshine and soft grass. When I kneeled down, I got to know the real Beau. He came right over, leaned in and snuggled. Of course I accommodated him and added some ear scratches and a shoulder rub. He never moved. I think he would have stayed there, leaned up against me, for hours. I wish I could have let him. ~Volunteer CindyClick here to learn more about Beau. 


Luna is such a good student


Nemo's Zipper