Batai is Adopted!

batai_teresaAs so as it often happens, we just couldn't imagine why someone would give up Batai. When Teresa and Chano met him, neither could they. After meeting two great adult dogs, the decision was difficult, but they felt Batai was the one for them.A recent update from Batai's adopters tells us they don't regret their decision at all! Teresa tells us, "Must share with you how completely happy we are with our new GSP "Beau", formerly Batai. He is a lovely, lovely dog.  He ran errands with me today in the truck, went in to two feed stores with me on leash, and behaved well first with an English bulldgog, then a Chihuahua!  We really cannot believe our good fortune in being able to adopt this wonderful dog."Looks like Batai found his way to a wonderful home with Teresa and Chano, and we couldn't be happier.  Enjoy the rest of your life handsome boy!


Ebony... Personality is a Plus!


Ptarmigan is Adopted!