Baron is Safe

Baron is SafeBaron's owner relinquished him to a shelter, not to be re-homed but to be put to sleep. They reported that he was eighteen and had been bleeding for the past several days. They had not taken him to the Vet to be examined and, as it turns out, had overstated his age not by a few months or a year but six years - over half his age! While the shelter normally would go about euthanizing a senior dog with a health issue, something wasn't right. The shelter, thinking Baron might have a few years left if given the proper medical attention, reached out to California GSP Rescue knowing we would consider taking a dog with medical needs like Baron. While Baron didn't appear to be a purebred GSP, the shelter had him down as a Pointer Mix, and given the story wasn't adding up, we felt certain that there was something we could do for Baron once he was safe. Something to make what appeared to be wrong, right.It was a cold wet day when the volunteer arrived to the shelter. It took a few minutes to complete the paperwork and for the shelter staff to retrieve Baron. When Baron arrived, he certainly didn't appear to be eighteen and even moved well for a twelve year old. The growth was small and had scabbed over so it wasn't bleeding. It didn't appear to be life threatening. Baron was attentive and curious revisiting the room he had been relinquished. Almost as if he expected someone else to be there picking him up.  Judging by his coat and weight, someone had cared for him but they weren't picking him up.When it came time to load up, Baron seemed to know what was going on and jumped right in the back of the car. He was ready for his new adventure now that he was safe.Postscript - at the time of this being written, Baron is waiting to see Dr Kang who will likely remove the growth that bled and caused Baron to be given up. Baron is one of several dogs that we have rescued this year that had been turned in to the shelter by their owners to be euthanized for health issues. Amazingly, few, if any, had received any medical attention prior to being relinquished. Only one dog was given hospice care while the remaining received any necessary medical attention and found forever homes. Knowing most shelters are crowded this time of year and adoption rates dip, we feel strongly that the shelter isn't the place for any dog to spend their last days. Knowing there are going to be a few medical bills, we are able to take dogs like Baron because of the support we receive from the Rescue Heroes. Their monthly donations, among other things,  help us cover the medical expenses of dogs we rescue from shelters without having to worry about having a fundraiser for each dog we rescue that needs medical attention. This saves the time of the volunteers and allows them to better spend it finding forever homes for the dog in our care as well as monitoring dogs in shelters. A special Thank You to the Rescue Heroes for allowing us to continue our efforts of rescuing dogs in need and being able to give Baron at least one more Christmas! 


In Loving Memory Of Kaiser


Happy Thanksgiving! Coco and Spotto Are Adopted!