Bandit is Safe!

GSP Mix dog safe shelter adopt save rescueWhen California GSP Rescue first learned of Bandit, it wasn't from the usual email we receive about a GSP in a shelter needing rescue, rather, it was from someone that had found Bandit running loose in their neighborhood. After looking for his owner a few days, they learned that Bandit had escaped from the local shelter! The family finding him was concerned as the shelter had said he would be listed as "unadoptable" which concerned the person that found him as they were aware what "unadoptable"  really meant. California GSP Rescue immediately contacted the shelter to inquire about the status of Bandit and why he was listed as unadoptable. We learned that he had originally been adopted from the shelter but was recently relinquished as he had kept escaping the adopter's yard. Once returned, he had escaped several enclosures at the shelter and even the perimeter fence around the shelter. Unfortunately, not many shelters have the resources to vet adopters to see if they can manage certain issues or if adopters have knowledge of the breed. Many times these adoptions are temporary solutions until the dog is eventually returned back to the shelter. The shelter was cooperative and helpful once they learned California GSP Rescue was interested in rescuing Bandit.Having placed a number of dogs that are vertically unchallenged, California GSP Rescue felt confident we could find a forever home for Bandit and started making transportation plans with the shelter. The shelter had a volunteer that was willing to help and had offered to transport Bandit to the Rescue.  Things were definitely looking up for Bandit. Within a few days of learning about Bandit, plans were made to have him transported to California GSP Rescue. The Shelter Volunteer Stacy left the remote shelter and drove several hours to get him to safety. This was a huge help and we greatly appreciate Volunteer Stacy for driving Bandit to the Rescue and getting him one step closer to his forever home.Dogs that escape their yard have usually learned the behavior. GSPs don't always do well when left in a yard without exercise or attention. If bored, most anything on the outside of the yard can get their attention. Given that GSPs are intelligent and more athletic than other breeds, going over a fence can be an easy way to escape the boredom. This learned behavior can be kept in check providing the GSP receives plenty of attention and exercise.Please extend a warm thank you with us to Volunteer Stacy for transporting as well as Julie, Jessie, and their daughter for helping Bandit out when he was lost and notifying California GSP Rescue. Being an all volunteer organization, we rely on individuals who want to make a difference and help us rescue GSPs in need. Thanks to all involved, Bandit is now safe![donate_button button_type="default" title="Sponsor Bandit" description="Help this amazing dog find his forever home!" style="wdf-fresh"] 


Max is Adopted!


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