Arrow is Adopted!

Arrow DSC_0920w64Diane and Rande had several little dogs, but Diane was looking for a running partner and thought a German Shorthaired Pointer would be a good choice. They wanted a dog both good with children and small dogs, and we just happened to have just the right fit for their family.Arrow, was a young cute little German Shorthaired Mix that had all of the GSP energy they wanted.  He would make a great running partner for Diane, and while in our care, we also learned that he runs great alongside the bike!  Arrow was affectionate, loved everyone he meets, was good with children and other dogs, large and small and seemed like a perfect match.We recently received an update on Arrow, and Diane and Rande tell us "While not a purebred GSP, he certainly has plenty of energy! He has also been a hit with the entire extended family and is running around with the other dogs like they've always been best of friends"!Thank you Diane and Rande for giving this sweet young dog a great home!Arrow has been adopted, but we have more dogs still waiting for their forever homes. Take a look here for our dogs available for adoption.  


Liam is Adopted!


Meet Duke!