Argo and Cielo are thriving with their happy family!

Arlo and CieloHello to all!It has been awhile since I have updated you on our two adopted buddies we picked up on January 17th 2010, Argo and Cielo aka Lucky & Polly.As you may remember Argo (the one in back) with the white and dark brown spots was afraid of his own shadow, literally. He is doing well now is our gentle giant, and a real lover. When he runs and jumps he is like a ballet dancer ever so graceful. Cielo when we came for her was terribly afraid to be inside anything. If you remember she was used to breed and was kept in a small cage with no human contact. Now she is better but still hesitates to go inside and stays close to my side.We have added 4 more pals, all rescues, and we love them all. 6 total and 5 cats too! It is a lot of work though. It is a real hoot when we do errands as all six dogs are in our Suburban and we get a lot of smiles from on lookers.They have regular teeth cleaning without anesthesia and we feed them Northwest Natural frozen raw dog food.Anyway hope you are all well and keep up the fight!Dan and Sara Broyles


Remi is Adopted!


Bijou is Adopted!