April is Safe!

April safe GSP Pointer Shelter Rescue Dog petJust over two weeks ago April showed up a local kill shelter after being picked up as a stray. Her owner was identified by a tag on her collar and she was held a few extra days while the shelter contacted him. When Volunteer Elizabeth went to the shelter a few days later to check on her, she found that another rescue had placed a hold on her in the event her owner didn't claim her. As we do with all GSPs in shelters, we continued to monitor April's status as anything can change with the dogs in shelters as it did with April. The day before she was made available to rescue, her owner hadn't claimed her and the other rescue decided to pass on her. We immediately contacted a few volunteers that help pull dogs from this particular shelter to see if they could pick up April the next day. Volunteer Lisa was quick to reply that she was available to pick up April the next day from the shelter and help transport her to California GSP Rescue in the event she wasn't adopted.Later the next day, Volunteer Lisa left work early. She arrived at the shelter and picked up a cute little GSP the would later name April. Lisa found April to be quite vocal in the car (see video below). However, it was most likely from because she was in a crate in the back of the car and not in the front seat with Lisa. Later, when Lisa had her out, she was quiet and sweet getting the pets and attention she had wanted when in the back of the car. She greeted people passing by looking for anyone that would pause and give her pets - a typical GSP. A big thanks to Lisa for helping make sure April was safe!Why hadn't the owner claimed her and why did the other rescue pass on her. We're unsure but it might be because she was a little older than the shelter had first listed her age. It could have been because she had a growth on her leg and a broken tooth that would need to examined by a Vet. We didn't consider these valid reasons and knew she would be adoptable shortly after being seen by our Vet. California GSP Rescue will see that she receives any needed medical attention and find her a forever home. If you would like to help, please consider sponsoring April.[donate_button button_type="default" title="Sponsor April" description="Please consider making a small donation to help sponsor April. Your contribution will help us provide her with the medical she needs. " style="wdf-fresh"]#GSP #Pointer


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Dogs Can Get A Sunburn Too