April is Adopted!

April_Handsome_Stefan_Lauren_Allie_DSC_0159w64Stefan and Lauren applied with us to find a companion for their male GSP Handsome, and one who would get along with their cat Silky.April was just weaning her puppies, so we hadn't learned yet if she would do well with other dogs or be able to live with a cat. Well April passed both tests with flying colors and seemed to be a good match for Stefan and Lauren and their family, so we invited them out to the rescue to meet her.They were smitten with April, and Handsome seemed to really like her too, and decided to take her home and join their family.We recently received an update from Stefan shortly after taking April home which said... "Last night went very well. All the friends seem to get along well, and April fits in perfectly. If you were to see us all together, it would appear as if April had been a family member forever" We couldn't be happier for April and her new family!


Meet Lucky!


Meet Matt!