Anna is adopted

There are times when a dog meets a family, that as a volunteer, you know that dog knows this will be its family.  That is the case with Anna.  Howard and Dru came out with their daughter Marsha to meet several dogs.  The volunteers secretly hoped that Anna would be the right dog for their home.When Howard and Dru met Anna she felt comfortable with them immediately.  She jumped in the water and Howard commented "well at least someone will use the pool".  We sat down in the field and Anna came over for pets and layed down right next to us.  They met several other dogs but Howard said "I've already made up my mind".As we watched this unfold, we all couldn't help but cry happy tears seeing Anna in the window of the car as they drove away, where she sat next to her new family, her tail was wagging like crazy, it was obvious that Anna knew she was finally going to her forever home.


Dixie is adopted!


Dog treats recalled