All is well with Hank

Late last year, Hank (aka Hans) found his forever home with Marty and Cindy. Marty, his adopter, recently sent an update. "All is well with Hank.  He is a bit stubborn but is getting used to the new rules.  He is doing quite well on our runs and loves to go to the fields and 'hunt'.  We have gone through several toys as he really likes to destroy them.  One afternoon he also thought that chewing up his bed was a good idea, but has since changed his mind on is not as fluffy as it once was, and the patio is pretty cold in the morning.  He did get a new bed for inside.  Hank does like when we have guests over and has been friendly with all.  I have not yet introduced him to any of our friends dogs but will do so in the near future.  I do not see that we will have any problems with that.  Hank is very easy going and very friendly."Pictured here are Hank and Cindy


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