Abby is Adopted - Again!

Occasionally, an adoption doesn't work out - and that's what CA GSP Rescue is here for. We make sure the dog comes back and finds another good home. Such was the case with Abby. Originally given up because she was too much for her elderly owners, she went to a home with long-time adopters. It seemed everything for Abby would be happily-ever-after. Unfortunately, due to a family illness, she came back several months later. We quickly arranged a meeting with a potential family. It seems Abby was feeling a bit wild the day they visited, and decided to do her best imitation of a 1 year old, untrained, GSP - not exactly the five-year-old they had hoped to meet! Still, they thought she was something special. They hesitated to say "yes" because they didn't want her to be returned again if she was "too much" for them as well. As he is so often willing to do, our volunteer Greg decided to take her home and see how she acted in a calmer, home setting. After a couple of weeks of videos and communicating with Kathy and Bob, they decided they were up to the challenge of this head-strong, but totally lovable, GSP.Since taking Abby home, Kathy and Bob have had their challenges with her. Kathy told us early on, "She makes me laugh every day even when she is naughty....maybe that is why she is naughty, she knows I am laughing on the inside, though try not to show it." They consulted trainers and the rescue and are working toward a little more compliant and less-pulling Abby. They have discovered she has a mind of her own much of the time, but can learn quickly when she wants to. Meanwhile, Abby has wiggled her way into their hearts, and Kathy's updates on her training escapades make us smile. Most importantly, we know Abby is finally home. As Kathy says, "To be truthful we are so crazy about Abby at this point if she never behaves, it probably won't matter....but we will keep at at ". 


Tigger Is Adopted!


GSP pumpkin-carving stencil