Abby Is Adopted!

Abby Betty Yohe Adoption PhotoAbby is one of those dogs that captured the hearts of everyone she met. Her story touched so many of us, and we are very excited to tell you that Abby has been adopted!When Abby was first dropped off at the rescue, she touched every volunteer present. Some were angry while others were saddened someone could give up off their family pet of twelve years. She deserved more. She deserved to have a home where she would be loved. A home where someone would take her on short walks as the long exhausting runs were past. A home where she would be part of the family. Initially, we didn't know what challenges we'd face in finding her such a home.We didn't know that she would need surgery - an expense that we didn't expect. We didn't know the prognosis of her swollen hock - something that wasn't learned until after her surgery and x-ray. And, we didn't know the tremendous amount of attention and support Abby's story would receive. Fortunately, there were a number of individuals who stepped in that wanted to help with her vet bills for which we are forever grateful.We are additionally grateful for another very important part of Abby's story - a person that submitted the adoption application early on and never shied away from wanting to give her a forever home, even when giving a her a home was to be more challenging than she first expected.  Betty and her family were committed to learn all they could about Abby, coming out to the rescue a few times to spend time with her and bringing along their 14 year old GSP, Magnum.  As a family, they planned their schedules to be sure someone was always home during Abby's transition to make her as comfortable as possible while getting used to her new surroundings.We recently received an update from Betty telling us that "Abby has been wagging her tail and has even tried to run a little when she and Magnum play. She and Magnum are getting along great"!We are so thankful for the outpouring of love and support when we first told you Abby's story, and the amazing response to helping a senior dog in need. Her story truly has a very happy ending.

And to Betty and her family,  we couldn't have asked for a better ending to her story.  Thank you, Betty from the bottom of our hearts for opening up your heart and your home for Abby!

Please visit our Facebook Page for photos of Abby in her new home!“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.”  ~Oscar Wilde


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