Abby is Adopted!

Marissa and Lars cameAbby_Chester_Lars_Marissa_DSC_0237w64 to CA GSP Rescue hoping for an energetic GSP to keep up with their dog Chester, and boy did they find a match in Abby!They have been working on training and putting some weight on her, and she is coming along nicely.After having Abby home for a few weeks they sent us this update... "Everything is going really well. Abby and Chester are good buddies and play well every day.  She's famous at the dog park for her speed, and one guy is utterly convinced she must have some greyhound in her".Abby came to the rescue needing some basic doggy skills, and thanks to one of our great foster families who helped her get ready for her forever home, she has made a fairly easy transition, and is now a cherished and pampered member of a great family!Thank you Marissa and Lars for choosing rescue, and for opening up your hearts and your home for Abby!  Enjoy your life beautiful girl!


Sherman celebrates his "Gotcha day"!


Poppy is making new friends!