Abbie is a terrific little walker

Abbie is settling into her fostering home nicely, and is just as sweet as can be. She's been out on several long walks to Balboa Park and all we can say is that she's a joy to walk in those places where leashes are required. She doesn't try to pull or break away, and is happy just trotting along the trail or sidewalk. She did seem interested in the squirrels she saw, but didn't strain to chase them. She's very well-behaved in the car, though she does need a little leg-up getting in. We even took her into our favorite dog-friendly wine shop recently, and she was very well-mannered while we did our tasting and shopping.At home, she is happy to either quietly explore the yard (she's not a digger, chewer or an escape artist),  lay in the sun, nap in her outdoors crate, or curl up in her indoors bed—until mealtime rolls around, of course! And she's finally getting the hang of the doggy door! Another few days and we think she'll have it down. Abbie is going to be a great companion to a family that is looking for a calm and sweet-natured little GSP.


Beau knows fun!


Anna did great in training!