

Wyck is a beautiful liver and white 10-year-old GSP who thinks he's half that age. Wyck has not been with us too long, but he has proved to be a gentle soul. He is always happy and smiling and gets along with all the dogs and people. He even walks well on a leash!! A big bonus for any GSP!! He hasn't lived with children but has done well when meeting them.

Being a 10-year-old GSP, Wyck does not require all the exercise a young GSP does; however, Wyck will need daily exercise to keep him from getting bored and into trouble (see challenges below). Daily walks would make Wyck more than just a happy guy.

The Basics about Wyck:

Gender: Male

Age: A youthful 10.5 years

Dogs: Gets along with well-socialized, friendly dogs

Cats: Very interested and cannot be left alone with them

Cars: He does just fine

The Good Stuff: Active and would love to go on hikes with you. He LOVES playing with toys, and squeaky toys are a bonus.

The Challenges: when he gets bored and left alone, the grass is greener to Wyck on the other side of the fence.

Strangers: He likes an introduction and does well with familiar faces

If you feel like you are a good fit for Wyck, please apply here.


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